1 Sept 2012

Apple Bumper Case Unboxing and Review (2nd generation/Revised)

Bumper Case Unboxing and Review

Ok, so this is the 2nd generation also known as the revised Apple Bumper Case.

Apple released a 2nd generation Bumper case, back in early 2011 shortly after the release of the iPhone 4 CDMA version.

The CDMA version of the iPhone 4, also known as the "Verizon iPhone 4" had a redesigned antenna which resulted in the mute switch being positioned slightly lower than on the original iPhone 4. This resulted in an incompatible Apple Bumper case.

So this is basically the reason why Apple released a 2nd generation Bumper Case. The new version now works on both the original iPhone 4 and the CDMA iPhone, as well as the iPhone 4S (which has the exact same antenna design as the CDMA iPhone 4).

The only difference aside from the bigger mute cut-out is the box. The box now has a white background instead of the old grey one, and the Apple logo has now moved to the top instead of being in the middle as it was on the old box design.

The price remains the same: 29$


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